
v0.0.2 #

Content #

  • Added a changelog page
  • Added a Hugo shortcode for the mail list
  • Improved upon the welcome page and added the request for a mail list
  • Published a changelog page for users
  • Added footer with copyright, draft version and site last updated.
  • Added draft version above menu
  • Optimistically added Google Analytics to understand how folks use the site.

Tooling #

Not Applicable

v0.0.1 #

Content #

Added the initial content & layout. Added a welcome page and about page. Most of the content at this point is about getting something online to iterate on and start some feedback loops than of anything quality.

Tooling #

Bootstrapped the initial static site with Hugo. Set up netlify and github build automation. Played around with site configurations and some exploratory additional builds.

© 2023 System Theory
DRAFT v0.0.2
Calendar February 19, 2023